Updating Records

See Put Request API and Put Response API for the complete gRPC API documentation for inserting and updating records from Regatta.

Put API serves for inserting and modifying records in Regatta.

To insert a record into a table, a key, a value, and a table fields must be set.

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
        \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
        \"key\": \"$(echo -n "key_1" | base64)\",
        \"value\": \"$(echo -n "value" | base64)\"
    }" regatta.v1.KV/Put

Expected response:

  "header": {
    "shardId": "10001",
    "replicaId": "1",
    "revision": "3",
    "raftTerm": "2",
    "raftLeaderId": "1"

Additionally, the field prev_kv set to true can be supplied. Regatta then responds with the previous key-value pair upserted with the request, if any exists.

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
        \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
        \"key\": \"$(echo -n "key_1" | base64)\",
        \"value\": \"$(echo -n "value" | base64)\",
        \"prev_kv\": true
    }" regatta.v1.KV/Put

Expected response if the record with key key_1 previously existed and prev_kv was set to true:

  "header": {
    "shardId": "10001",
    "replicaId": "1",
    "revision": "4",
    "raftTerm": "2",
    "raftLeaderId": "1"
  "prevKv": {
    "key": "a2V5XzE=",
    "value": "dmFsdWU="