regatta leader

Start Regatta in leader mode.

regatta leader [flags]


      --api.address string                                     API server address. The address the server listens on. (default "")
      --api.advertise-address string                           Advertise API server address, used for NAT traversal. (default "")
      --api.allowed-cn string                                  AllowedCN is a CN which must be provided by a client.
      --api.allowed-hostname string                            AllowedHostname is an IP address or hostname that must match the TLS certificate provided by a client. string                                 Path to the API server client auth CA file.
      --api.cert-filename string                               Path to the API server certificate.
      --api.client-cert-auth                                   API server client certificate auth enabled. If set to true the should be provided as well.
      --api.key-filename string                                Path to the API server private key file.
      --dev-mode                                               Development mode enabled (verbose logging, human-friendly log format).
  -h, --help                                                   help for leader
      --log-level string                                       Log level: DEBUG/INFO/WARN/ERROR. (default "INFO")
      --maintenance.enabled                                    Whether maintenance API is enabled. (default true)
      --maintenance.token string                               Token to check for maintenance API access, if left empty (default) no token is checked.
      --memberlist.address string                              Address is the address for the gossip service to bind to and listen on. Both UDP and TCP ports are used by the gossip service.
                                                               The local gossip service should be able to receive gossip service related messages by binding to and listening on this address. BindAddress is usually in the format of IP:Port, Hostname:Port or DNS Name:Port. (default "")
      --memberlist.advertise-address string                    AdvertiseAddress is the address to advertise to other Regatta instances used for NAT traversal.
                                                               Gossip services running on remote Regatta instances will use AdvertiseAddress to exchange gossip service related messages. AdvertiseAddress is in the format of IP:Port, Hostname:Port or DNS Name:Port.
      --memberlist.cluster-name string                         Cluster name, propagated in Memberlist API responses as well as used as used as a label when forming the gossip cluster.
                                                               All nodes of the cluster MUST set this to the same value. If changing it is advisable to turn off all the nodes and then startup with the new value. (default "default")
      --memberlist.members strings                             Seed is a list of AdvertiseAddress of remote Regatta instances. Local Regatta instance will try to contact all of them to bootstrap the gossip service. 
                                                               At least one reachable Regatta instance is required to successfully bootstrap the gossip service. Each seed address is in the format of IP:Port, Hostname:Port or DNS Name:Port.
      --memberlist.node-name string                            Node name override, MUST be unique in a cluster, if not specified random stable UUID will be used instead.
      --raft.address string                                    RaftAddress is a hostname:port or IP:port address used by the Raft RPC module for exchanging Raft messages and snapshots.
                                                               This is also the identifier for a Storage instance. RaftAddress should be set to the public address that can be accessed from remote Storage instances.
      --raft.compaction-overhead uint                          CompactionOverhead defines the number of most recent entries to keep after each Raft log compaction.
                                                               Raft log compaction is performed automatically every time when a snapshot is created. (default 5000)
      --raft.election-rtt int                                  ElectionRTT is the minimum number of message RTT between elections. Message RTT is defined by NodeHostConfig.RTTMillisecond. 
                                                               The Raft paper suggests it to be a magnitude greater than HeartbeatRTT, which is the interval between two heartbeats. In Raft, the actual interval between elections is randomized to be between ElectionRTT and 2 * ElectionRTT.
                                                               As an example, assuming NodeHostConfig.RTTMillisecond is 100 millisecond, to set the election interval to be 1 second, then ElectionRTT should be set to 10.
                                                               When CheckQuorum is enabled, ElectionRTT also defines the interval for checking leader quorum. (default 20)
      --raft.heartbeat-rtt int                                 HeartbeatRTT is the number of message RTT between heartbeats. Message RTT is defined by NodeHostConfig.RTTMillisecond. The Raft paper suggest the heartbeat interval to be close to the average RTT between nodes.
                                                               As an example, assuming NodeHostConfig.RTTMillisecond is 100 millisecond, to set the heartbeat interval to be every 200 milliseconds, then HeartbeatRTT should be set to 2. (default 1)
      --raft.initial-members stringToString                    Raft cluster initial members defines a mapping of node IDs to their respective raft address.
                                                               The node ID must be must be Integer >= 1. Example for the initial 3 node cluster setup on the localhost: "--raft.initial-members=1=,2=,3=". (default [])
      --raft.listen-address string                             ListenAddress is a hostname:port or IP:port address used by the Raft RPC module to listen on for Raft message and snapshots.
                                                               When the ListenAddress field is not set, The Raft RPC module listens on RaftAddress. If is specified as the IP of the ListenAddress, Regatta listens to the specified port on all interfaces.
                                                               When hostname or domain name is specified, it is locally resolved to IP addresses first and Regatta listens to all resolved IP addresses.
      --raft.logdb string                                      Log DB implementation to use for storage of Raft log. 
                                                               Due to higher performance and lower resource consumption Tan should be preferred, use Pebble only for backward compatibility. (options: pebble, tan) (default "tan")
      --raft.max-in-mem-log-size uint                          MaxInMemLogSize is the target size in bytes allowed for storing in memory Raft logs on each Raft node.
                                                               In memory Raft logs are the ones that have not been applied yet. (default 6291456)
      --raft.max-recv-queue-size uint                          MaxReceiveQueueSize is the maximum size in bytes of each receive queue. Once the maximum size is reached, further replication messages will be
                                                               dropped to restrict memory usage. When set to 0, it means the queue size is unlimited.
      --raft.max-send-queue-size uint                          MaxSendQueueSize is the maximum size in bytes of each send queue. Once the maximum size is reached, further replication messages will be
                                                               dropped to restrict memory usage. When set to 0, it means the send queue size is unlimited.
      --raft.node-host-dir string                              NodeHostDir raft internal storage (default "/tmp/regatta/raft")
      --raft.node-id uint                                      Raft Node ID is a non-zero value used to identify a node within a Raft cluster. (default 1)
      --raft.rtt duration                                      RTTMillisecond defines the average Round Trip Time (RTT) between two NodeHost instances.
                                                               Such a RTT interval is internally used as a logical clock tick, Raft heartbeat and election intervals are both defined in term of how many such RTT intervals.
                                                               Note that RTTMillisecond is the combined delays between two NodeHost instances including all delays caused by network transmission, delays caused by NodeHost queuing and processing. (default 50ms)
      --raft.snapshot-entries uint                             SnapshotEntries defines how often the state machine should be snapshot automatically.
                                                               It is defined in terms of the number of applied Raft log entries.
                                                               SnapshotEntries can be set to 0 to disable such automatic snapshotting. (default 10000)
      --raft.snapshot-recovery-type string                     Specifies the way how the snapshots should be shared between nodes within the cluster. Options: snapshot, checkpoint, default: checkpoint for non Windows systems. 
                                                               Type 'snapshot' uses in-memory snapshot of DB to send over wire to the peer. Type 'checkpoint'' uses hardlinks on FS a sends DB in tarball over wire. Checkpoint is thus much more memory and compute efficient at the potential expense of disk space, it is not advisable to use on OS/FS which does not support hardlinks.
      --raft.state-machine-dir string                          StateMachineDir persistent storage for the state machine. (default "/tmp/regatta/state-machine")
      --raft.wal-dir string                                    WALDir is the directory used for storing the WAL of Raft entries. 
                                                               It is recommended to use low latency storage such as NVME SSD with power loss protection to store such WAL data. 
                                                               Leave WALDir to have zero value will have everything stored in NodeHostDir.
      --replication.address string                             Replication API server address. The address the server listens on. (default "") string                         Path to the API server CA cert file.
      --replication.cert-filename string                       Path to the API server certificate.
      --replication.client-cert-auth   Replication server client certificate auth enabled. If set to true the should be provided as well.
      --replication.enabled                                    Whether replication API is enabled. (default true)
      --replication.key-filename string                        Path to the API server private key file.
      --replication.log-cache-size int                         Size of the replication cache. Size 0 means cache is turned off.
      --replication.max-send-message-size-bytes uint           The target maximum size of single replication message allowed to send.
                                                               Under some circumstances, a larger message could be sent. Followers should be able to accept slightly larger messages. (default 4194304)
      --rest.address string                                    REST API server address. (default "") duration                             Maximum duration for reading the entire request. (default 5s)
      --storage.block-cache-size int                           Shared block cache size in bytes, the cache is used to hold uncompressed blocks of data in memory. (default 16777216)
      --storage.table-cache-size int                           Shared table cache size, the cache is used to hold handles to open SSTs. (default 1024)
      --tables.enabled                                         Whether tables API is enabled. (default true)
      --tables.token string                                    Token to check for tables API access, if left empty (default) no token is checked.


  • regatta - Regatta is a read-optimized distributed key-value store.