Retrieving Records

See Range Request API and Range Response API for the complete gRPC API documentation for retrieving records from Regatta.

Range API serves for the retrieval of data, offering exact key-value pair lookups, prefix searches, and range searches.

Exact key-value pair lookup

To query a single key-value pair, just set the table and key fields in the payload.

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
    \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
    \"key\": \"$(echo -n "key_1" | base64)\"}" \ regatta.v1.KV/Range

To query key-value pairs with a shared prefix, supply the key and range_end fields, where key is the prefix and range_end = key + 1. For example, to find all key-value pairs prefixed with the timestamp 1626783802, set key to 1626783802 and range_end to 1626783803.

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
    \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
    \"key\": \"$(echo -n "1626783802" | base64)\",
    \"range_end\": \"$(echo -n "1626783803" | base64)\"}" \ regatta.v1.KV/Range

To query key-value pairs in a given range, supply the key and range_end fields. All pairs whose keys belong to the right-open interval [key, range_end) will be returned.

If table is smaller tha 4MB in size:

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
    \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
    \"key\": \"$(echo -n "key_1" | base64)\",
    \"range_end\": \"$(echo -n "key_20" | base64)\"}" \ regatta.v1.KV/Range

For the larger tables use a streaming method:

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
    \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
    \"key\": \"$(echo -n "key_1" | base64)\",
    \"range_end\": \"$(echo -n "key_20" | base64)\"}" \ regatta.v1.KV/IterateRange

range_end set to \0 lists every key-value pair with a key greater than or equal to the provided key.

If table is smaller tha 4MB in size:

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
    \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
    \"key\": \"$(echo -n "key_1" | base64)\",
    \"range_end\": \"$(echo -n "\0" | base64)\"}" \ regatta.v1.KV/Range

For the larger tables use a streaming method:

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
    \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
    \"key\": \"$(echo -n "key_1" | base64)\",
    \"range_end\": \"$(echo -n "\0" | base64)\"}" \ regatta.v1.KV/IterateRange

key set to \0 lists every key-value pair with a key smaller than the provided range_end.

If table is smaller tha 4MB in size:

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
    \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
    \"key\": \"$(echo -n "\0" | base64)\",
    \"range_end\": \"$(echo -n "key_1" | base64)\"}" \ regatta.v1.KV/Range

For the larger tables use a streaming method:

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
    \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
    \"key\": \"$(echo -n "\0" | base64)\",
    \"range_end\": \"$(echo -n "key_1" | base64)\"}" \ regatta.v1.KV/IterateRange

List all key-value pairs

When key and range_end are both set to \0, then all key-value pairs are returned.

If table is smaller tha 4MB in size:

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
    \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
    \"key\": \"$(echo -n "\0" | base64)\",
    \"range_end\": \"$(echo -n "\0" | base64)\"}" \ regatta.v1.KV/Range

For the larger tables use a streaming method:

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
    \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
    \"key\": \"$(echo -n "\0" | base64)\",
    \"range_end\": \"$(echo -n "\0" | base64)\"}" \ regatta.v1.KV/IterateRange

Get keys only

List keys in the range [key, range_end) with the keys_only option.

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
    \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
    \"key\": \"$(echo -n "key_1" | base64)\",
    \"range_end\": \"$(echo -n "key_20" | base64)\",
    \"keys_only\": true}" \ regatta.v1.KV/Range

Get key count only

Get only the number of keys in the range [key, range_end) with the count_only option. This can also be used without the range_end field to test the existence of key.

grpcurl -insecure "-d={
    \"table\": \"$(echo -n "regatta-test" | base64)\",
    \"key\": \"$(echo -n "key_1" | base64)\",
    \"range_end\": \"$(echo -n "key_20" | base64)\",
    \"count_only\": true}" \ regatta.v1.KV/Range