
Regatta is still rough around the edges and there are A LOT of things left to be implemented. If you like this project and would like to contribute, ask questions, or just reach out, we encourage you to do so! Feel free to reach out in GitHub discussions, raise an issue, or open a pull request.

Request For Comments

For most of the changes, the normal pull request workflow is sufficient. However, some significant changes should go through a design process and consensus must be reached among maintainers. For this purpose, we have the Request For Comments process. RFC should be drafted for example when:

  • introducing a new feature or an API,
  • redesigning internals in a major way,
  • or considering breaking changes.

When drafting an RFC, follow the template and create a pull request to start the discussion. The pull request should be tagged with the label proposal.

Development prerequisites

Testing prerequisites

Running Documentation Site Locally

This documentation site is powered by Jekyll. First, install Jekyll and bundler:

gem install bundler jekyll

Then, install the necessary gems:

cd ./docs
bundle install

Last, run Jekyll in the root of the repository:

make serve-docs