Running Regatta

There are multiple possibilities for how to run Regatta – building Regatta from source and executing the binary, using the official Regatta Docker image, or deploying Regatta to Kubernetes via Helm Charts, which is the recommended way.

In order to run Regatta, TLS certificates and keys must be provided. For testing purposes, certificate and key present in the repository can be used.

Run binary

Build from source

To build and run Regatta locally, see the Contribution page for all the required dependencies. Then just run

git clone && cd regatta
make run

This command will start a Regatta leader cluster with a single instance locally.

Download released binary

You can also download binary from the Releases GitHub Page. After downloading the binary for the given platform, unzip the archive and run the following command:

tar -xf regatta-darwin-amd64.tar
./regatta leader \
    --dev-mode \
    --raft.address= \

This command will start a Regatta leader cluster with a single instance locally.

Create the regatta-test table using the API.

grpcurl -plaintext -d "{\"name\": \"regatta-test\"}" regatta.v1.Tables/Create

Pull and run official Docker image

Official Regatta images are present in jamf/regatta GitHub Container Registry. Just execute docker run with the following arguments:

docker run \
    -p 8443:8443 \ \
    leader \
    --dev-mode \
    --raft.address= \

This command will start a Regatta leader cluster with a single instance in a Docker container.

Create the regatta-test table using the API.

grpcurl -plaintext -d "{\"name\": \"regatta-test\"}" regatta.v1.Tables/Create

Deploy to Kubernetes from Helm Chart

To easily deploy Regatta to Kubernetes, official Regatta Helm Chart can be used.

helm repo add regatta
helm repo update
helm install regatta regatta/regatta

This will deploy Regatta leader cluster with one replica. See page Deploying to Kubernetes for the more advanced deployment of Regatta and how to connect follower clusters to the leader cluster.

Interact with Regatta

Once Regatta is up and running, check the User Guide page to see how to interact with Regatta.