
Regatta is a distributed, eventually consistent key-value store built for Kubernetes. It is designed to distribute data globally in a hub-and-spoke model with an emphasis on high read throughput. It is fault-tolerant and able to handle network partitions and node outages gracefully.

Feature Overview

Built for Kubernetes

Regatta is Kubernetes native. You can manage and monitor Regatta as any other Kubernetes deployment. Check out the official Regatta Helm Chart for more information.

Distribute data globally in a hub-and-spoke model

Regatta is designed to efficiently distribute data from a single core cluster to multiple edge clusters around the world. See the Architecture page for more information.

Emphasis on high read throughput

Regatta is built to handle read-heavy workloads and to serve sub-millisecond reads.

Fault-tolerance and data availability

Thanks to the Raft algorithm and data redundancy, Regatta can serve reads even in the event of network partition or node outage.

Data persistence

Regatta is more than just an in-memory cache – data persistence is built-in. Regatta can be backed up and restored from backups.

Dynamic scaling of edge clusters

Regatta makes it really easy to add new edge clusters. When adding a new edge cluster, no other clusters are affected and the data is automatically replicated from the core cluster to the edge cluster.

What is Regatta good for?

You need a distributed key-value store to allow local and quick access to data in edge locations

Regatta will provide a read-only copy of the data in edge locations. Regatta will take care of the data replication, data availability, and resilience in case of failure of the core cluster.

You need a local, persistent, cache within a data center where reads heavily outnumber writes

Regatta writes are expensive in comparison with Redis for example. Reads are usually served from memory, resulting in sub-millisecond reads.

You need a pseudo-document store

You can define secondary indexes or additional columns/tables within a single Regatta table. The data consistency is granted within a single table. There are compare-and-switch and multi-key atomic operations available.

Why Regatta?

Regatta was built because we were unable to find a distributed system offering all the aforementioned features. Full story behind Regatta can be found in the blog post The story of Regatta.

Regatta is under heavy development. This means the API may change and there are a lot of things to be implemented. If you would like to help, do not hesitate and check the Contributing page!